Return Policy

You can return an item for a refund within 30 days of delivery, simply use the form below.

An item can be returned for any reason. The following are the two methods which can be utilized to return your purchase:

1. You can return your purchased item and receive a full refund as store credit. If you choose this option, then you will not have to pay for any return shipping and the return is completely free.

2. You can receive a full refund of the item you purchased. The refund will be issued to your original payment method. If you choose this option, you will be responsible to pay for return shipping and insurance if necessary. Your return will be processed within 2 business days after your return item has been received and inspected.

  • Do not fold, staple or tape any surfaces of the item or rug
  • The returned item must be in new condition. If it is soiled or damaged, it will be refused.
  • No returns will be accepted after the 30-day trial period has expired.
  • Clearance, sale and custom-made items are not returnable unless there is damage or a defect.

All returned rugs must be in the same condition as when they were originally shipped. Returns will not be accepted for used rugs which show signs of wear and tear, stains or other signs of use. Please package and ship any returns in the same type of protective packaging as used in the original shipping method. We thank you for your kind attention.

Return/Warranty form

Reason for Contact ExchangeRefund
* Please note for all items returned for a Refund, Consumer is responsible for return shipping and insurance costs.