Do you ship internationally?

Currently we only ship to addresses in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. We cannot ship to PO Boxes or APO Boxes.

What do you charge for shipping?

Shipping is FREE on most orders to any address in the contiguous USA. A non-refundable processing & handling fee of $7.95 will be added to all orders.

Shipping to Alaska, Hawaii, Canada and Puerto Rico: In addition to the processing & handling fee of $7.95 you will be billed the actual shipping charge to your destination. This will be calculated and presented to you at the time of checkout. A shipping charge will also be added to your order for any promotional items, such as a free pad, runner or scatter. Canadian customers will be charged for all applicable customs duties, taxes, and brokerage fees in addition to shipping charges.

Any rug returned within 30 days which is damaged, soiled, used, and/or dirty will incur a 35% restocking fee.

How do I track my order?

Most orders are shipped via UPS. If possible we will provide you with a tracking number so that you may monitor the location and progress of your order. If you have any questions related to the tracking of your order, please call our Customer Service Department toll-free at 888-464-1447 between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Eastern time, Monday through Friday or send an e-mail to:

How long will it take to receive my order?

Most items take between five to seven business days to ship, based upon the item’s availability. Delivery of items will be dependent on the size of the rug ordered and the shipping location. Most items deliver in two to three weeks. In some cases all of the items in your order may not ship together or in the same package. Rug pads and accessories will normally be sent in separate packaging.

It’s hard to accurately predict the delivery time of custom rugs. Some can be produced within a few weeks of the order, but a large, hand-knotted rug may take over six months to weave. Our Customer Service Department will try to keep you informed of the projected ship date as your custom rug is created.

How do I properly receive an oversized rug?

Prior to delivering your item, the carrier will contact you to schedule a convenient delivery appointment. Please be advised that the driver is only required to deliver the item “curbside” at the end of your driveway. Some drivers are willing to do more, but to be safe, if you require assistance to get the rug inside your home, please arrange for it prior to the arrival of the item.

Please carefully inspect your order upon delivery to insure the merchandise is not damaged. If you encounter a problem, please do one of the following:

FOR VISIBLE DAMAGE: If the packaging show visible signs of damage, open the item immediately to check the contents, and ask the driver to inspect the contents with you. Then write a precise description of the damage on both your copy and the freight carriers copy of the delivery receipt.

If you feel like this merchandise is damaged beyond repair then the merchandise should be REFUSED. If you feel like this merchandise is acceptable with the noted damages you should accept the merchandise and determine if this merchandise can be retained with an allowance.

As soon as possible after delivery, unpack and inspect your shipment. Should you discover concealed loss or damage, report it to the freight carrier immediately and request an inspection within 15 days of the delivery date. Until you receive your inspection, please leave the containers and packing materials as they were when you first discovered the loss or damage.

After delivery, contact your local freight carrier’s service center or freight carrier’s customer service department to help you determine if an inspection and formal written report will be required. Occasionally the freight carrier may not have an inspector examine the damaged freight. Instead the freight carrier may request that you do the inspection yourself and keep a written description should a claim be filed later. Please note, however, that an inspection report is not a claim.

Please do not sign for items that are or may be damaged unless it is noted on the form. If you do not accept this merchandise due to damages contact Rugs Direct immediately and we will process a replacement order for you and handle all of the dealings with the freight company.

Remember, once you sign for the item or give permission to the freight carrier to leave the merchandise, you may be responsible for filing a claim with them if the merchandise has been damaged in shipping.

Return form

Reason for Contact ExchangeRefund
* Please note for all items returned for a Refund, Consumer is responsible for return shipping and insurance costs.